Post-Holiday Parties

October 31, 2014

A growing trend we are noticing is that more companies are choosing to hold their holiday parties in the New Year instead of during the traditional November – December season. We have listed 3 great reasons below that may persuade you to host your own Post-Holiday party for next year!

1.)    Better Availability  

Have you ever been a little late in planning your Christmas party and all of the popular Friday and Saturday dates are booked up? You have called your favourite venue and favourite local supplier (Houle Games, of course!) only to find out that they are unfortunately fully booked up. How disappointing…until now! Since November and December are busy high-season months for Christmas bookings, you will find that the availability in January and February is so much better. While you shouldn’t wait until the last minute to book, at least this gives you more time to plan and gives you another alternative if you have run out of time to finalize a party for November or December.


2.)    Better Prices

Since January and February tend to be a little slower paced than the busy Christmas rush, some companies may be more likely to offer a discount in the off season. Some weekends during the holiday season can be so hectic, so consider the discount to be an incentive for choosing a less busy date.


3.)    Christmas time is busy for everyone

As mentioned, November and December is busy for venues and entertainment suppliers. But let’s not forget, it’s busy for you too! You have other obligations during this time of year (visiting with family & friends, working, shopping, baking, volunteering, decorating, vacationing and the list goes on). Make it less stressful for everyone and plan the party in early 2015 where everyone should hopefully have a little more time on their hands. Also, with so many fun activities take place in December, your Post-Holiday party in January or February will give you something else to look forward to!


What are your thoughts? Would you prefer to have your Holiday Party during Christmas time or early in the New Year? Regardless of when you are throwing your party, feel free to contact us for your Vancouver Casino Rentals or Vancouver Photo Booth Rentals for your Vancouver Christmas Party entertainment.